Thursday, December 29, 2011

Hot Teeth

Reasons why I think “Hot Teeth” is just grand…

1. When we are cuddling, he will kiss me softly on my forehead, cheek, back of my neck, and other places. We can be watching football or a movie or just sitting there not doing anything but it warms my heart EVERY SINGLE TIME.
2. His testimony. On our first date, he told me a story that I would expect to hear from a friend that I have known for a long time. It was inappropriate and something that normally wouldn’t faze me but on a first date and when I had just dated the EQP that hasn’t said or done anything inappropriate in his life, it was kind of a shock. Then he also told me some other stuff that had me questioning why he had a Temple recommend. I even asked him in the middle of a crazy Friday night at the bowling alley why he is active. (Yep, I wanted him to bear his testimony to me in the middle of the most ghetto bowling alley on a first date…bless my heart.) He gave me a good answer but I was still very unsure where his testimony was. And for me, I need someone who isn’t messing around with it. I want someone with a reason he stays close to the Lord. I want someone who goes to church because he wants to be there for the Lord and not for the girls. What I have learned through the time I have known him is that he is exactly what I am looking for in that sense. He has a very strong testimony that is all his own. That is one of the most attractive things about him.
3. Christmas Present. He loves giving gifts so I assumed that he would be getting me one for Christmas. I told him about a week before that I had found him a great gift that I was excited to give him. I told him he didn’t need to get me anything. When we went out the week of Christmas, we went to Sherlock Holmes. (Cuddled all the way through and loved it.) When he was driving me home, he asked me if I was going to make him be patient and wait to open his present until Christmas. I told him I didn’t have enough patience for that. (He loves trying to teach me patience!) I told him that I wanted to see him open it. He pulled out a beautifully wrapped gift from behind my seat and told me that he was going to make me wait. Then he said he couldn’t because he wanted to see how I liked it. I told him how my sweet assistant was going to have a chat with him if he didn’t get me anything. He laughed and told me that he had one of my presents before I even told him that I got him anything. He got me something I loved and I got something he loved. I loved the kiss after he opened his. It was sweet.
4. Park City kissing on a ledge. We went to a Christmas party of one of my friends. We all sat around the table and laughed. He joined in too without being awkward at all. And if he would’ve been awkward, I would have just laughed because we both love awkward moments. At the end of the party we were all going to light lanterns off (Tangled). We all set off outside and he and I were both wearing leather flats. I went about 10 feet and there was this ledge that I jumped on. Everyone else kept going and we just stood on the ledge being wrapped up all warm in each other and kissing and laughing and looking at the stars. It was one of those great moments and the best part, it wasn’t planned.
5. Song of the Day. He LOVES music and for the last month or so, most every day he sends me a “song of the day” and I love it.
6. Texts, morning and night and everything in between. He texts me in the morning to say good morning, he texts me before he goes to bed, and he texts me throughout the day. This is what keeps me sane and not needing a DTR. I love it more than I can explain.
7. Quality time. When he is with me, he is actually with me and focusing on me. I see him about 2-4 times a week. I could definitely see him more but he and I are both very busy. And I think we are still in the whole taking it slow and steady phase. I appreciate that. And while we don’t make out every time I see him, we do most of the time. I LOVE this. His highest love language is physical and so is mine. I love being close to him. And I love how he grabs my butt.  We also do a lot of different things when we are together…we go shopping at Nordstrom, go bowling, he took me to Color Me Mine, football games, out for froyo, festival of trees, taught me how to snowboard...we usually finish the night with a movie but it works just fine for me. 
8. MoTab Christmas Concert…holding hands in public. We got to the Mormon Tabernacle’s Christmas Concert about an hour early. We are very comfortable together and so we just sat and chatted it up. This was the first time he held my hand in public. According to my best friend, that is a big deal. He did it during the concert and while we were walking back to the car. Yep, I loved it. 
9. He took me to his school buddies Christmas party. There were about 8 married couples and us. I have never felt so comfortable in my life. Being there with him felt right. I laughed so hard and enjoyed every minute. We went to my holiday party later that night and he wore a suit and WOW did he look good. That night he had his arm around me and we were just those irritating people you see who you can tell really like each other. 
10. He is in Pharmacy School and he had a HUGE exam that was stressing everyone out. He literally studied for a whole week from 7am to 1 or 2am every day. He would still text me. But what I loved most is that he would tell me how stressed he was about it. He told me that he needed a miracle to pass it. I was able to show him a different side of my personality that I never show to guys. I literally prayed for him to pass every single day at least in the morning. He did pass with 93%.

I don’t know what will happen between us in the future. All I know is right now, I am beyond twitter pated. He doesn’t know that I feel this much for him but regardless of what happens, one day he will. It all has to come in the Lord’s timing and way. I mean those words. The will of Heavenly Father is and will always be better than mine. I have had so many good and really hard experiences to show that to me. That is the only reason I can say that and mean it. I want to be with “Hot Teeth” but I will choose the Lord first and let everything else fall into place or fall out of my life. It has to be this way. It has been be right in Heavenly Father’s eyes. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Patience is Worth It

I feel like today is a learning moment for me. I remember a while back struggling to believe that I would be married and that it would work out. The thought came to me(and keeps coming to me since then) "believe" and at that time, I chose to believe. I felt more peace and hope about it and it made a difference. I can't really describe how exactly it did, it just did. I knew it was because I chose faith over fear. Today, I feel like I have a great reason to fear, but once again it is my choice and I want to and I am determined to choose faith, hope and to believe in love.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Worth Waiting?

"Hot Teeth" is in Pharmacy school and is finishing his 2nd year. In June, he will start rotations. Right now he has 10 days and then he tests on the material. In order for him to stay in the program, he has to get a 90% or higher each test. Wow. They clearly don't mess around.

We are still going and every time I am with him or as the days go by, I realize that he is even better and I care for him more. It still scares me but I am still going forward. Why wouldn't I got forward? I will always choose no regrets. It is how I have to live.

We still have yet to have our "DTR" talk and that is okay. He texts me good morning, texts through the day and says goodnight. I can't even begin to explain how much I love this. It makes me not freak out. But right now he is going into a seriously BUSY schedule. It is demanding. And it is/should be his number one priority. He has a test, and it is bigger than the most, on Monday. That means I won't see him until Tuesday and that is if he passes. He is more business like and focused today. All of these things should make me freak out more, but I feel calm.

Tonight I dropped off some sugar and caffeine to him to get him through studying tonight. While it was good to see him, I wanted to spend all night with him. So the question is; is he worth waiting for? And I don't mean in the sense of me waiting by the phone for him to call. I am talking about being patient with his schedule and being able to realize that he has made time for me whenever he can. Tuesday is the first day between now and then that he is available. Well, the answer is yes. He is worth being patient for. And that says a lot.