Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Time Heals and Life isn't that Bad

Time heals and life really isn't that bad are both true statements. It completely sucks that Brad didn't choose to be with me and honestly, that will probably hurt my heart for a bit. And honestly, I may not have handled the last text as well as I would have hoped but I do believe that if things are supposed to work out with us in the future, they will regardless. I need to move on, and I am.

First statement: time heals. It just does. I believe that with the Atonement and time, we will heal from all things. But we can't rush it. We can't make the healing go faster. In order to fully heal, you have to be able to let yourself feel what you're feeling in the moment. Between Sunday night and yesterday at 6pm, I cried more than a couple of times. But then I went to boot camp and talked with a friend there while working out and had a great night full of peace and joy. I watched Grey's Anatomy and it really helped ease any pain I had been feeling before boot camp. So while time heals, finding things that help you feel better in the moment help you heal too. Your entire day doesn't have to be sad and horrible, and if it is, you can find something to be grateful for.

On Sunday while waiting to take the sacrament, I was praying really hard that I would be able to accept Heavenly Father's will in this exact situation with Brad whatever happened. I could see either one happening. But I didn't expect what happened later that night. Because I prayed for His will, it still happened even though it wouldn't have been what I would have chosen. He sees what I do not. He knows what will be best for me and how to make that happen. It sucks but if this is His will, than I completely accept it. I have to. He has proven over and over again that His plan is more amazing than I can imagine. The only part I haven't experienced it yet is in the romantic relationship department. I really hope that part is going to come together soon.

Last statement: life really isn't that bad. Yes, this sucks. But as I said earlier, boot camp and Grey's brought my heart a release and life didn't feel all that horrible. It also helps to see how very blessed I am. I have amazing and loving people in my life who pray for me. I know their prayers helped me and continue to. The thing that helps make this statement true is for me to focus on all of the good that is still in my life. The dating part sucks, letting go of a dream/hope that I have had for one man for 10 years sucks, feeling like I am never going to meet a man who I feel is worthy of me and loves me who I want to be with and same for the guy at the same time AND having the timing work out sucks too, but hope continues to be there. I know that today I will probably have a hard time and my heart will heart for a bit, but right now and all morning, I've been fine. I'm grateful for that.

Monday, June 16, 2014


I have been having a great couple of months full of peace and joy and living life in the moment. I really have felt so blessed. Last night something hard happened.

Brad came a few weeks ago and we hiked and ate donuts and had the best time. I knew that after 10 years I had to say something because he was moving to Phoenix to date and start his life again. So I did. It went really well and he seemed to share my wonderment of what was there. My counselor told me to book a flight after he invited me a few times that night and I did. I booked it 2 1/2 weeks ago, and I saw him just 3 1/2 weeks ago. I am supposed to leave Friday. He called me last night and told me he just became exclusive with a girl down in Phoenix. And he didn't know what I wanted to do. He knew I was going down there for him. I told him I didn't know what I wanted to do. He asked me to keep him posted. I don't think he maliciously tried to make shit of this situation but that's exactly what happened. Really, could it get worse? Yes, it can. Today I tried to transfer my ticket or refund or anything, I found out that I am just out the $268. Awesome, right?

My heart hurts. A lot. But I know it will pass. I really prayed for the best thing to happen and apparently, this was it. That sucks, at least for right now. And the 10 year question was finally answered and all I want to do is move on. Not just say I am moving on but inside stay there and hope for him to come back and get me, but really MOVE ON. I don't have regrets. I put myself out there for someone I cared about and then I gave it a shot and I bought the ticket to go see him even though I didn't have that kind of money to just buy one. I tried. Wow, it sucks.

The other thing that is hard is that he has been the person that I compare everyone else to. I now have to find someone with the exact qualities that Brad has. There were no red flags. Yes, he for sure sucks this week, but most of all I am sad to lose my friend. I basically ended all of it for a couple of reasons. One, when he gets married, we won't be friends anymore because I know what happened in his last marriage. Two, because I don't want to be his friend and give him relationship advice anymore. And three, because he needed to know that if ever decides he wants to be with me, he is going to need to put forth effort because I put a lot forth and got shit on.

Sucks. But I do know it will get better.