Thursday, February 27, 2014

Write before I lose the thought...

Do I really want to be with someone I have to assure over and over of their worth and they are so unhealthy that they can only think of themselves in situations where it isn't even about him? Feed his ego? You can say you're sorry but if I am the one down and you up and I have to make you feel good about you, doesn't that feel off? Is that someone I want to be with? Someone who knows how hard it is but wants to keep going to feed their ego and self-esteem because it is lacking? No, I just hope I remember this.


  1. Yes, remember this! You need someone who is more concerned about you than themselves to return the generosity you give about always being concerned about them more than yourself. You give so much that some personalities will take and take and take from you and then you are left feeling empty and wonder why. These people don't do this on purpose per say, but it's kinda parasitic - they have to do it to keep themselves alive. You want and deserve someone who will always be balancing with you on your see-saw of life - tries to help level you out when you are down and they are up and visa versa. And I know you know this, but I feel better getting it out to confirm that I know this too:-)

  2. I don't know how I missed this but I did. Thank you so much for this. I love all you said. :)
