First, I met his family and I adore them. They remind me of my family and it puts me perfectly at ease with them. His cousin is adorable and just someone you want to hug!
So on to the dreadful holiday of Valentine's Day. It is the day before at 3pm and I still don't know if I will be seeing him for V-day. He knows I have a present for him. I know that he loves giving gifts. I know that at Christmas time he surprised me with a gift. What I don't know is still if I have plans with him tomorrow. So I have two choices here, be fine with not seeing him and him not doing anything and me still giving him the present and be fine with that, or being pissy and angry that I don't matter enough for him to do something. I'm sure there is some middle ground but honestly, there are only two choices. I want him to do something so it validates to me that he cares. I want to feel special. But I know how crazy busy and stressed he is at this moment with the added school work. I hope that I am confident enough in us and where we are at that I will be fine with him doing nothing if it goes down that way. I will have a hard time with that but I can still choose my reaction. We would be having a conversation if it did go down like that. But I believe chances are amazingly good that he will do something for me. He is good like that. Most of all, I just want to spend time with him. I don't need chocolate or roses, just him holding me close and I am golden. I hope to make the best choices tomorrow. Happy Valentine's Day!!